Hayden lake seventh-day adventist church
Live Stream
About Us
The Temple Of God (Part 1)
Navigating Our Family Tree
Christmas Program 2016
A Wedding In Cana
Temple of God (part 2)
Temple of God (part 3)
Well Water and Worship
Incident of Nain 2
How Can These Things Be
Lord Teach Us to Pray
Reverence Part 4 of 4 Worship In The House of God
1. In The Beginning God or Hydrogen
2. A Call To Worship The God Of Genesis
Sue Johnson testimony
3. The Flood
Dragons and Dinosaurs
I am the resurrection and the life (spring music program)
None Greater
Useless Patches & Shattered Bottles (D. Eckenroth)
The Eyes Have It (Jim Brackett)
Calvary's Three Crosses (Pastor Baute)
Useless Patches & Shattered Bottles (D. Eckenroth)
Sue Johnson Testimony
The Divine Vending Machine
From Darkness to Light (Thomas Neacsu)
In the Throne Room (Joel Hayward)
Food For thought (Mark Anthony)
Days of Conflict (Pastor Baute)
Food For thought (Mark Anthony)
In the Throne Room (Joel Hayward)
From Darkness to Light (Thomas Neacsu)
Calvary's Three Crosses
"The Call" (Pastor Baute)
Days of Conflict
"A Permanent Change" (Vince Onkoba)
"A Permanent Change" (Vince Onkoba)
"The Call" (Pastor Baute)
"Hope for the Prodigal" Noemi Vazquez
"Division" Tim Rumsey
"Black Matter and the Everlasting Gospel" Tim Rumsey
"The Faith of Jesus and the Close of Probation" Tim Rumsey
"Division" Tim Rumsey
"Black Matter and the Everlasting Gospel" Tim Rumsey
"Living Water" Pastor Baute
"Faith" Pastor Baute
"Would You Like To Be Healed" Pastor Baute
When The Towers Fall (Living in the Final Week) #1
The Final Week of Time (Living in the Final Week) #2
Israel and The Body of Christ (Living in the Final Week) #3
Pentecost and Heaven’s Temple (Living in the Final Week) #4
The Sign of Sanctification (Living in the Final Week) #5
Among The Wild Beasts (Living in the Final Week) #6
Division (Living in the Final Week) #7
Lazarus and the Protestant Reformation (Living in the Final Week) #8
The Triumphal Entry And The Final Week (living in the Final Week) #9
In The Temple (Living in the Final Week) #10
How To Outlive Your Mother-in-Law (Living in the Final Week) #11
Thunder from Heaven (Living in the Final Week) #12
Black Matter and the Everlasting Gospel (Living in the Final Week) #13
Wash Me Lord (Living in the Final Week) #14
Caiphas and the False Prophet (Living in the Final Week) #15
Judas and the Fall of Babylon (Living in the Final Week) #16
The Seal Of God (Living in the Final Week) #17
Gethsemane and the Mark of the Beast (Living in the Final Week) #18
The Faith of Jesus and the Close of Probation (Living in the Final Week) #19
Give Us Barabbas (Living in the Final Week) #20
The Seven Last Plagues (Living in the Final Week) #21
In The Tomb (Living in the Final Week) #23
The Road to Emmaus (Living in the Final Week) #23
How to Live Like a King (Living in the Final Week) #25
Christ’s Authority and the Spirit of Prophecy (Living in the Final Week) #25
The Remnant of the Woman’s Seed (Living in the Final Week) #26
"Faith" Pastor Baute
"Living Waters" Pastor Baute
The Return of Elijah
"Pasteurized Adventism" Robert Kooremy
Christmas Program 2017
The Death of a Good Man
The Carpenter's Son
Health video
Rebellion to Reformation (Charinette Guerrero)
A Missed Opportunity
The Mission and the Message of Elijah
Our High Priest
Mission team update
The pending Crisis
Health (Dr. Teske)
Jesus's Own City
A Godly Mother
A Missed Opportunity
How to be Heart-Attack Proof in 30 Days
Trimethylamine Oxide--and cause of cancer
Reversing Diabetes
Review the physiology of the liver cell and its relationship to disease
The Power of Greens
Jesus Own City
The Power of Greens Part 2
Taming the Lion
The Man Who Couldn't Count Past Two (Dale Gordon)
God, Creation and Man (1 of 3)
Priesthood of All Believers (2 of 3)
Feminism, Marriage and the Home (3 of 3)
The Holy Spirit (Part 1)
What Are We Waiting For (Part 2)
Preparing For the Latter Rain (part 3)
Williams Precious Moments
Who Is The Greatest
The Power of Greens (Part 1)
The Power of Greens (Part 2)
God's Ambassadors (Part 4)
It's All About God (Pat Arrabito)
Women's Ministries
The Most Critical Factor (Danial Gabbert)
7 Facts About God's Love
Channels of Light (Thomas Mayhem)
Another Ark To Build (Part 5)
Gods Ambassadors (Part 4)
Another Ark to Build (Part 5)
God's GPS (Part 6)
Grief Recovery Seminar part 1 of 2 by Pat Arrabito
Grief Recovery Seminar- part 2 of 2 - by Pat Arrabito
How Sabbath Became Sunday by Pat Arrabito
Emperors, Popes And Calendars by Pat Arrabito
It's All About God by Pat Arrabito
The Disaster Ahead by Patty Marsh
Jesus for slum kids (Josh Bauder)
Phillipines (Jenny Bovey)
The House that God Built (part 1)
Sola Scriptura, Sanctuary part 1 (Karl T)
Shaky Foundation, Sanctuary Part 2 (Karl T.)
Rejecting the Sanctuary, Sanctuary Part 3 (Karl T.)
Biblical Philosophy, Sanctuary Part 4 (Karl T.)
Sin and Salvation, Sanctuary Part 5 (Karl T.)
Dr. Horst Mueller, The Law of Life (Part 2)
Dr. Horst Mueller, The Law of Life (Part 3)
Dr. Horst Mueller, The Law of Life (Part 4)
Dr. Horst Mueller, The Law of Life (Part 5)
Dr. Horst Mueller, The Law of Life (Part 6)
Dr. Horst Mueller, The Law of Life (Part 7)
Dr. Horst Mueller, The Law of Life (Part 8)
Dr. Horst Mueller, The Law of Life (Part 9)
Dr. Horst Mueller, Battle of Faith vs Battle of Works (Part 10)
Dr. Horst Mueller, Child Education (Part 11)
Dr. Horst Mueller, The True Causes of Diseases (Part 12)
Dr. Horst Mueller, Why Do I Need a Savior (Part 13)
The Outer Court: The Brazen Alter (Part 2)
The Outer Court, The Brazen Alter (Part 3)
The Truth about Angels (Part 4)
The Golden Lampstand (Part 5)
The Truth About Angels (Part 4)
The Table of Showbread (Part 6)
The Alter of Incense (part 7)
The Golden Lampstand (Video)
The Table of Showbread (Video)
The Alter of Incense (Video)
The Daily, Today (Part 8)
The Daily, Today (Video) Part 8
The Most Holy Place (Part 9)
The Repairers of the Breach (Part 10)
The Day of Atonement in the Old Testament (Part 11)
Part 1-The Revealer of Secrets
Communion service 3/23/19
The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary (Phase 2) (Part 13)
The Good News of the Judgement (Part 14)
The Adversary Of The Heavenly Sanctuary (Part 15)
The Mark of the Beast and The Seal of God (Part 16)
Our High Priest's Victory (Thomas Neacsu)
Building & Maintaining the Sanctuary (Gordon McGhee)
Measure of Forgiveness
Why We Don't Pray
Wilt Thou Be Made Whole (Gordon McGhee)
The Power of Prayer
If It Be So But If Not
The Way To Revival (Dennis Crabbe)
We Are Called (John Earnhardt)
Friday Evening Vespers (John Earnhardt)
Into All the World (Joedy Melashenko)
Do I Need to Be Coverted (Guy Maniscalco)
The Lord Draweth Nigh
Twice Posessed
Sign and Wonders
Precious Fruit (Thomas Neacsu)
The Measure of Forgiveness
Be Ye Thankful (Chuck Stilwell)
Love Your Enemies
Christmas Program 2019
Last Day Lessons from Bugs in the Bible (Jesse Ravencroft)
One Name
Prophecy's Treasure Map (Dennis Crabbe)
The Good Seventh-Day Adventist
Do You Care Enough to Pray
Why We Don't Pray
One Thing Is Needful
Peace, Be Still
One Thing is Needful
Peace, Be Still
Who Us? You Cant Be Serious.
Faith Camp Sharon Williams
Faith Camp Joseph Story
Faith Camp Ray & Phobe Sikich
Jeff Sutton - MOVE Missionary Training
Rich Sutton - Church Builder to Mexico
Jon Wood - We Were Made for This
Miranda Lundby - JFA Education Director
Howell Family
Eugene Prewitt - iEAT Malaysia
Eugene Prewitt iEAT Malaysia 2
Jon Wood - President, Jesus for Asia
Prayer Meeting
Every Word
Jesus, the Rabbis, and the Sabbath
The True Science of Education: We need to understand it now!
"Be Ye Not Deceived"
God's Plan of Education - Preparing for Life - By Judy Kjaer
Sabbath The Faith of Jesus
God's Plan of Education - Part 4 - Readiness for School - By Judy Kjaer
Be of Good Cheer - By Grant Agadjanian
"The Power At The Cross" - By Grant Agadjanian
What Must I Do?
Prayer Meeting
"Obediently Connected" By Grant Clark
Not I But Christ- Arianna Creutzburg
Not I But Christ
Connected By Love byt Lynae Ash
"Tree Of Life" by Matthew Kimbley
Preparing NOW to Sing with Jesus by Del Orser
"Forever Connected" by Joshua Pestes
Hayden SDA Church - Prayer Meeting
LongevityPlus Seminar By Dr. David DeRose
LongevityPlus Seminar - Lecture 2 - By Dr. David DeRose
"The Lord Rebuke Thee" By Pastor Kim Kjaer
LongevityPlus Seminar - Lecture 3 - By Dr. John Torquato
Hayden Lake Church Prayer Meeting
"Unless the Lord Builds the House" By Pastor Wayne Kablanow - 20th Anniversary of Hayden
LongevityPlus Seminar - Lecture 4 - Dr. John Torquato
"Arise, Go!" By Pastor David Morgan
LongevityPlus Seminar - Lecture 5 - By Dr. David DeRose
Prayer Meeting
"This Year Also" By Pastor David Morgan
session 1 - The Great Controversy
Session 2 - Signs of the Times
Session 3 - Why So Much Suffering ?
Session 4 - Ancient Middle East Prophecies
Session 5 - The Antichrist Revealed
Session 4 - Ancient Middle East Prophecies
This Year Also
Session 6 - Lie Destroying America
Session 7 - The Last Day
Session 8 - Jerusalem & the Temple
Session 9 - Mark of the Beast & 666
Session 10 - Peace Above the Storm
Session 11 - United States in Prophecy
Session 12 - Revelation's Judgment
Session 13 - Death & the Afterlife
Session - 14 - 1,000 Years of Peace
Session 15 - God's Love in Hell Fire
Session 16 - Revelation's Rapture
Hayden Lake SDA Church Service
Session 17 - Armageddon & the 7 Last Plagues
Session 19 - The Woman Rides the Beast
Session 20 - Remnant of Israel
Session 21 - Last Day Prophecy
Session 22 - Love Not the World
Session 23 - The Meaning of Life
Session 25 - The Law and The Covenants
Session 26 - Fitness for the Crisis
Session 27 - Secrets of Prosperity
Session 28 - How to Study the Bible
"Lost and Found" Testimony By Pastor David Morgan
Session 30 - The Return of Elijah
"Not My Feet Only"
The Gracious Father
The Empty House
The Power of Choice
Christmas Concert "Once Upon a Night
Border Protection
Stinking Thinking
"Power in Prayer"
"Changing the Current of Your Thoughts"
Does God Answer Our Prayers
Northwest Gardening 101- Dawn Trammell
Citadel of the Soul
AYM Northwest Spring 2021 Retreat - Why Reflect Christ ? - By Christian Evert
AYM 2021 - Reflecting on Him - by Heidi Krick
AYM Northwest Spring 2021 Retreat
AYM 2021 - "Will Your Reflection Ensure Election?" by Christopher Vitangcol
AYM Northwest Spring 2021 Retreat - "Go Reflect Him" - By Madok Ramsey
Garden Soils By Lynn Hoag
Hayden Lake Church Service Sermon
"Value of a Soul"
The Measure of Forgiveness
I Have Given You an Example
Hayden Lake Church Service
The Suffering Savior
Sing 4 Joy!
Heavenly Reproof
Education Sabbath
Education Sabbath
Education Sabbath
Church Service
Church Service
Church Service
Church Service
Church Service
Church Service
Church Service
Church Service
Messiah's Mansion
Pastor David Morgan: "God is Faithful" Cuba Mission Report
Rand Edwards: "Measure Up"
Pastor David Morgan: "How Did I Get on the Wrong Bus"
Thomas Neascu: Christmas Program "Born To Die"
Hayden SDA Handbell Choir: "Peace on Earth, for Unto a Child is Born!"
Don Eckenroth: "Flee Bethsaida"
Dwain Hendrickson: "Prepare to Meet Thy Lord"
Pastor Luke Fessenden: "An Attitude of Gratitude"
Pastor David Morgan: "For Such A Time As This"
Pastor Kim Kjaer: "His Rest"
Pastor David Morgan: "Apple of His Eye"
Pastor David Morgan: "Prayer Testimonies"
Pastor David Morgan: "Remember"
Del Orser Memorial
Luke Fessenden: "God Knows Our Heart"
Pastor David Morgan: "Beyond the Shadow"
Pastor David Morgan: "Sign of Loyalty"
Pastor David Morgan: "Sacred Time"
Barbara O'Neill: "Lecture 1 Conquering Candida, Lecture 2 The Truth About Cancer"
Barbara O'Neill: "Lecture 1 Nutrition Through Digestion - Lecture 2 Remedy for Diabetes"
Barbara O'Neill: "Lecture 5. Healing the Heart - Lecture 6. From PMS to Prostate"
Barbara O'Neill: "Lecture 7. First Line of Defense, the Immune System - Lecture 8. Inflammation
Barbara O'Neill: "Lecture 9. Preventing Alzheimer's - Lecture 10. Goodbye Depression"
Pastor David Morgan: "By Every Word"
Pastor David Morgan: "The Storm Approaches"
Kim Kjaer: "UAP"
Health Ministries
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Prayer Request
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